miércoles, 12 de junio de 2013

“English games in a 3 years old classroom”

When we start the Daily Routine every morning and every afternoon we usually play some games to remember all the concepts that we already know.

For example:

  • Concepts: Same/Different-Open/Close the window, the door-Turn the lights on/off-Sit down on the chair, or even on the table because they have more fun doing that. Stand up, touch your friend´s nose, mouth etc. The days of the week, the shapes, my family…

Now I would like to explain to you how they enjoy the English class.

When I start singing: EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY!!!! They answer me and I give them the first instruction: Up, up, up, down, down, down. EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY, sit down on the table. EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY goes under the table and behind the teacher. EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY goes OUT, IN! etc.

When they are moving and playing with me, practicing all the concepts it´s the time for playing the Days of the Week.

There are 7 days,
there are 7 days,
there are 7 days in a week,

Before singing this song, I put on the floor or on the table all the days of the week. I choose one boy or one girl and I sing with all the class this song that they already know. They have to jump on the day of the week that we have chosen. For example: Monday! And he or she has to look for the day and jump on it. I will sing even faster and they have to jump faster. Or on the other hand I will sing like a turtle and they have to do it slower.

To explain SAME or DIFFERENT, I use to put 2 chairs exactly the same, 2 tables exactly the same and I ask them different questions about the chairs. When I know they understand the concept I practice playing with them, touching the objects or things that are the same. When they have this concept I am able to explain the opposite concept, different. The process is the same as I explained before but with different chairs and different tables.

A variation of this game is to put all the chairs mixed in the class and start clapping my hands, the children will move around the chairs and when I shout: THE SAME, they will have to sit in the same chairs. If I put red chairs and just one blue chair they should only be seated on the red chairs.

Sandra Pizarro
Tutora de 3 años C
Teacher de 3 años A

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